============ Installation ============ .. module:: rundata This section describes how to install Rundata-net on your own computer or server from scratch. Note that this may not not be needed for ordinary users. Rundata-net has different installation environments: * development * production Dependencies differ somewhat between these environments. All the dependencies are listed in the corresponding files in the ``requirements`` directory. .. _dependencies: Setting up the development version in Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit) =========================================================== .. highlight:: console This is a step-by-step guide for setting up a development version of Rundata-net on a clean Ubuntu 16.04. With minor modifications this guide might work with other Ubuntu flavour versions as well as with Linux flavours. Running Rundata-net is similar to running any other Django project. If you are familiar with Django, you will already know the content of this guide. A similar guide, which provides a bit more details about individual commands, is provided by `Digital Ocean`_. #. Update your system:: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade #. Install the :program:`git`:: $ sudo apt-get install git #. Get the latest sources from https://gitlab.com/fralik/rundata-net. Clone the repository using :program:`git`:: $ git clone https://gitlab.com/fralik/rundata-net.git #. Install dependencies:: $ cd rundata-net $ chmod a+x utility/install*.sh $ sudo utility/install_os_dependencies.sh install $ sudo -H pip3 install virtualenv $ virtualenv rundata_venv $ source rundata_venv/bin/activate $ utility/install_python_dependencies.sh #. Adjust the settings to your needs. This may be done by way of environment variables. Here I show how to do it for Bash. Replace ```` with the path to ``rundata-net`` on your system. Alternatively, this can be any path on your system. We will be using a SQLITE database for simplicity’s sake, but you are free to use any other supported database:: $ export DATABASE_URL=sqlite:////django.sqlite3 For example:: $ export DATABASE_URL=sqlite:////home/vadim/rundata-net/django.sqlite3 #. Run database migrations:: $ python manage.py migrate #. Run development server:: $ python manage.py runserver #. Open your browser and go to You should now see Rundata-net. Note that we used :program:`virtualenv` to install the Python dependencies. You should repeat the ``source rundata_venv/bin/activate`` command each time you want to run Rundata-net. .. _`Digital Ocean`: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-django-with-postgres-nginx-and-gunicorn-on-ubuntu-16-04